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Whitley Strieber

By: Paul Geraghty - Updated: 4 Sep 2017 | comments*Discuss
Whitley Strieber Strieber Communion

Alien abductions have become an increasingly prominent part of the UFO scene in the last few decades. For the most part they happen to ordinary people who have nothing which obviously distinguishes them from the others around them. These people are sometimes traumatised by the experience, left with a profound feeling of helplessness. If they pluck up the courage to tell anyone about it, they are usually met with mockery and disbelief. Often, as a result, they simply retreat into silence. One victim, though, happened to be a more skilful communicator than most: he was Whitley Strieber, best-selling author.

Whitley Strieber – Alien Abduction

Strieber first made a name for himself in the early 80s with a string of successful novels, some of which were made into films. You may have heard of or even seen The Wolfen or The Hunger. In 1985, while staying with his family at a cabin in the countryside, Strieber experienced something extraordinary. Initially, he felt only certain bodily aches and recalled events through a mist-like haze of memory. He remembered something about a strange light outside in the middle of the night and seeing his bedroom door swing open while he and his wife lay in bed. His reaction to these things was peculiarly passive. He just noted them but did nothing in response. Over time, however, he found that behaviour was altering in unusual ways. He became increasingly anxious and began to act oddly.

Pondering his new, unhappy state, Strieber searched his mind for an explanation. Then the memories of what had happened to him started to come back to him, first in a trickle, then a flood. He recalled being carried out of his bedroom by a “good army” of small beings and being taken onto some craft. There, the beings, typical alien “Greys” with small, humanoid bodies, large crania and inscrutable insect-like eyes, communicated with him, both vocally and telepathically, and probed him with their scientific instruments.

Strieber was understandably shocked by what he remembered. Questioning his own sanity, and on the verge of committing suicide, he decided to seek help.

Exploring his own life history with his therapists and on his own, Strieber came to recognise that his experience with the “visitors”, as he preferred to call them, long predated the incidents in the Autumn of 1985. He recalled numerous strange episodes from his childhood which, on reflection, seemed to have involved similar kinds of contact. Often his memory of the incidents was blurred or even concealed beneath a “screen memory”. The screen memories were what Strieber consciously recalled about the incident but he found that they were superficial only. Typically, on careful reflection, the screen memories would evaporate – they made no sense, containing inherent impossibilities of time or place or action. He concluded, in the end, that he had been singled out for special attention by these “visitors” throughout his entire life.

Whitley Strieber - Communion

Strieber wrote about his experiences in the book Communion. It became a best-seller and a Hollywood film was based upon it. The book describes the fascinating intellectual journey which Strieber underwent as he explored the history of the contact phenomenon and attempted to come to terms with his own experience – which seemed to him to be utterly fantastic and even ludicrous, yet at the same time painfully real.

Interestingly, he originally planned to call the book “Body Terror” to express the rawness of the fear he felt when subjected to the experience. As he lay in bed one night, however, with his wife asleep beside him, she began to talk in her sleep. In a deep voice, utterly unlike the one she usually spoke in, she said: “The book must not frighten people. You should call it Communion because that’s what it’s about.” The voice resembled that of the female alien who had spoken to him during his experiences.


Whitley Strieber’s encounter experience is one of the most significant in the history of the UFO subject. It turned him from a sceptic into a believer and, in his book Communion, he has given us a full account of the process of transformation. His speculations on the underlying nature of the phenomenon are fascinating to read.

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First, off I apologize for all the typos, I got a connection that drops and I am borrowing a computer at 1 AM... Since my ET experience last year, and upon returning to Ireland, I recently stayed with a couple computer engineers and we developed an ET contact app. I've seen two more Orbs, in daylight, a man shape-shift in front of my face, had a shop keeper in Dingle tell me her two friends saw a huge yellow aura around me... and robbed two more times, notwithstanding Ryan Air permanently losing my one bag so this has been one bumpy ride. I mean this has never happened to me in my entire life, Come on ET's... and yet people are talking Planet X and North Korea. Plus, I still can't pin down Planet X and get straight answers. It's got to be the biggest snow job since Y2K, with disinformation oozing out of every Utube orifice online. Nevertheless, what I do know now and feel strongly about is I now know ET's running all governments, and that means bad ones! I am an expert in international law but when I refused to join this crowd introducing themselves as Zionist and IlluminatiI was tracked down like a dog and boy do they mean business I mean this is so unbelievable.... It's been a real shocker, and only now I understand people know about this stuff... I mean not everyone wants to accept ET's are real let alone run everything, but to see them, and accidentally unearth them... unbelievable! All I did was write my dissertation on the Zionist Israeli connection and got invited to join these pricks... However, when they asked me what I thought of their plans and merely replied "have you heard of the Russell Tribunal", this Zionist told me at a high-level meeting to f off back to America... OK, I felt sick but I didn't expect ET's be leaping out of the woodwork at me! Again, only when everything was pointing to the Illuminati being off-World did I start meditating for help from ET's outside our planet... boy did I eventually get completely stitched up, and did I feel their pinch... Can someone help me? Also, I need to get the word out about this ET contact APPso any ideas are greatly appreciated. Cheers!
Louie - 4-Sep-17 @ 1:02 AM
I didn't realize my story /question would all fit Sorry! Please start at the bottom and work your way up. Cheers! Google Play Store, search: ET Contact 0010110 Sometimes I am down, but most of the time fun and funny, incredibly smart, smarter than most but make Big mistakes, and when a person is alone sometimes people go out of their way to victimize me with phony allegations. I want protection, not to wish myself death or harm and it can only happen with a strong network. I need your help. I want to help but I do not take orders, I do not allow bullies to take advantage, I defend people, I give good advice, I love talent and want to make a huge difference. I think big, I love a challenge but do not like the media or especially whatever ET's are helping the bad people who run this Stooge planet. We do not have leaders, we have criminals in charge, and in as much as I am not perfect, I cannot believe anyone with half a brain could vote and still believe they are free, it does not compute, it never will because it defies logic, evidence and the rule of law... Therefore, I need your help! Please, if you give me the brush off I'll understand, but when the good guys come around, I'll exclude those people, just as easily as I would never allow a war criminal to be a politician. God can judge these bad people but I won't take their money nor ever trust them. NEVER!. If I did I could have just as easily joined them at Dublin Castle. Cheers!
Louie - 3-Sep-17 @ 11:52 PM
I ate something, then walked to the O'Connell Bridge and noticed an open gate to a catwalk I've never seen before. I was cautious because below the bridge is was low tide and I didn't need a homeless freek around me. As I sat relaxed not tired I saw what appeared to be balloons released, I thought nothing of it as I sat on this bench, but it got my attention because it seemed like there were more balloons than before as if it was expanding, More unusual was the fact that for fifteen minutes a giant white Segal flew in circles around it. There was no wind, and it was the clearest night ever; I could see all the stars. Beautiful I thought hence my not getting excited about a bird and some balloons. But, about ten feet or so above the building the balloons appeared to elongate while making a perfect 90-degree turn, then is stretched out 30 feet but it was narrow, again preoccupied with my grief I semi discounted it, perhaps its bubbles but then I thought no way, as it got closer and larger moving towards me at five miles per hour, in eventually turned into an oval with very a very distinct black line, and I could see through it! I turned around and looked everywhere thinking OK this could be a holograph but it wasn't when it was directly above me it stopped and I could still see through it, however, the black thin edge was tapered mean black but getting light gray, I mean this is still a line I am talking about so very detailed, it was forty feet long, had a gray center and a thin irregular gray line mid way from the center to the outer edge. Plus it had to small rectangles one green one red, shifting 3 or 4 degrees clockwise then counter clockwise taking between two and three seconds to shift then dim when the two lights came to a complete stop, pause for a second then brighten back up then shift again and again, even the edges rounded when the lights dimmed. I never said a word, I thought these words only, If you are in charge down here you are doing a bad job. Then it started to move and gradually picked up speed then speed away. I thought I better turn around and see if it comes back, and it did from my right but this time it was a ball of flashing light and at the same time, it sped in five other similar ones all the same size flashing irregular in a zig zag formation. I mean the sparks of off all these balls of fire had no two sparks emit sparks from the same direction at the same time. Later, when I never heard of a transparent UFO I found also found what I was looking at resembled a Merkaba or two opposing triangles. What blew my mind was they knew I was looking at them. And then I realized I was being chased by ET's in human form, and they could move people around me as if I were on a movie set. They were telepathic but could not read my mind as I forbid it, they also knew the future too. Later in the US I saw a hexagonal object my mom was given with stars around it and when I asked my mom what sort of batteries were in it making this
Louie - 3-Sep-17 @ 11:44 PM
Later in the US I saw a hexagonal object my mom was given with stars around it and when I asked my mom what sort of batteries were in it making this glow 10-inch star glow she gave me a rather odd look so I went in to look at it again and found it wasn't flashing and it was just a piece of paper. Since that experience, some things are helping me while others steal everything I own. I know longer wake up with bruises, cuts, and pillows full of blood and better yet I do not get those dizzy black outs. I've Google-d abduction symptoms and have nearly all of them, and I've reached with great speed what I witnessed. I put it down to refusing a Job with the Illuminati in Syria while not being blind like all the other students when it comes to who owns the world. Yes I get it wrong but not like everyone else where they become brainwashed by the Elite, and since then developed a phone app, It came to me a few dreams, although it has got some sloppy words in the instructions, I was amazed at how lucky I've beenmy whole life to be around the smartest people on Earth, not average smart but really out there so when I told these computer engineers my story they agreed to help me develop are real app to contact ET's through a key broad. I figured if Dr. Greer was contacted by ET's after starting a website then I want to meet the Good ET's if they exist. Please note, I realize the triple layer in my phone app is a knock off per-say of the triple layer sequencing found in crop circles but when I read about all the other events surrounding number patterns, frequencies, geometry etc with real ET contact involving telepathy, distance, time, and banned terrestrial signals I felt compelled to do this. Please note, upon feedback, money and getting the word out I feel strongly I can make it even better and I know how, but where Iived was temporary and the one guy had just started with Microsoft so were rushed to complete it. But my notes and what I can do to make this work is from my heart. And if an ET comes along and says do this to make it better, and again, I have a strong suspicion they will then it is only a matter of time before everyone can use it. In other words, I might not get rich from it but maybe I can eat with it and at the same time, in a world of separation get the word out so the ET's can give me a ship so I can prove they exist. I am just not sure the whole agenda, So, I prefer to get my own data and do something different to Dr. Greer. In fact, I know a physicist in Ireland he's got a better way to make contact than Greer and I believe him, but since I am an unknown it is going to take time, and in a world full of some major doom and gloom from natural disasters, Fake democracy, lasers blasting incoming UFO' NASA lies, Bad ET's, North Korea, I really want to hurry on this. I am sad, yet fun and funny, incredibly smart, smarter than most but make big mistakes, and when a person is alone sometimes people go out of their way to victimize m
Louie - 3-Sep-17 @ 11:42 PM
I ate something, then walked to the O'Connell Bridge and noticed an open gate to a catwalk I've never seen before. I was cautious because below the bridge is was low tide and I didn't need a homeless freek around me. As I sat relaxed not tired I saw what appeared to be balloons released, I thought nothing of it as I sat on this bench, but it got my attention because it seemed like there were more balloons than before as if it was expanding, More unusual was the fact that for fifteen minutes a giant white Segal flew in circles around it. There was no wind, and it was the clearest night ever; I could see all the stars. Beautiful I thought hence my not getting excited about a bird and some balloons. But, about ten feet or so above the building the balloons appeared to elongate while making a perfect 90-degree turn, then is stretched out 30 feet but it was narrow, again preoccupied with my grief I semi discounted it, perhaps its bubbles but then I thought no way, as it got closer and larger moving towards me at five miles per hour, in eventually turned into an oval with very a very distinct black line, and I could see through it! I turned around and looked everywhere thinking OK this could be a holograph but it wasn't when it was directly above me it stopped and I could still see through it, however, the black thin edge was tapered mean black but getting light gray, I mean this is still a line I am talking about so very detailed, it was forty feet long, had a gray center and a thin irregular gray line mid way from the center to the outer edge. Plus it had to small rectangles one green one red, shifting 3 or 4 degrees clockwise then counter clockwise taking between two and three seconds to shift then dim when the two lights came to a complete stop, pause for a second then brighten back up then shift again and again, even the edges rounded when the lights dimmed. I never said a word, I thought these words only, If you are in charge down here you are doing a bad job. Then it started to move and gradually picked up speed then speed away. I thought I better turn around and see if it comes back, and it did from my right but this time it was a ball of flashing light and at the same time, it sped in five other similar ones all the same size flashing irregular in a zig zag formation. I mean the sparks of off all these balls of fire had no two sparks emit sparks from the same direction at the same time. Later, when I never heard of a transparent UFO I found also found what I was looking at resembled a Merkaba or two opposing triangles. What blew my mind was they knew I was looking at them. And then I realized I was being chased by ET's in human form, and they could move people around me as if I were on a movie set. They were telepathic but could not read my mind as I forbid it, they also knew the future too. Later in the US I saw a hexagonal object my mom was given with stars around it and when I asked my mom what sort of batteries were in it making this
Louie - 3-Sep-17 @ 11:35 PM
Last May 2016 I was assaulted by a man, I retaliated, my house was robbed, they stole my Dog, and I was followed. I don't know who but they knew where I would be, and originally I was followed by two couples, oddly enough this was immediately following my assult. They were using a form of remote viewing on me by one man drawing fast sketches the flipping them then asking the women next to him everything about me, from facial qualities, psychological, even what I was thinking, I thought if this is a movie I can block them, when I did to my amusement it worked, even the man grabbed his right side of his head and remarked how I wasn't so nice. a few days later, getting on a train at random, no pre-booked anything, I sensed the two men standing on the train at the doors were not normal, they drank a beer but then asked me a lot of questions. I sat in the last seat and when leaned over to ask a man to my left what was the next stop twice and he ignored me I felt a strong urge something was wrong. As I looked up at the narrow glass luggage panel I notice a fat man, very ugly pushing large one-inch buttons on a phone about the size of a small phone book, each time he pressed one key he immediately spoke to groups of people with a wired microphone. This was no recording device! When his questions were in legal language as if he were an expert, and I heard him say someone was to be taken out upon arrival of this train, I decided to call the dog warden ask what they did with my dog which is so rare in Ireland only a few have one, when I saw him pushing button after button, again one button equaling lots of people, and then telling them to investigate my dog by breed and age I went into panic mode, I knew if I went past the two men I'd have to lie. Something even worse happened, the women looked at the fat man and said "he's playing you" I was in utter shock. So, when the train stopped the two men said are you getting off I said yes. When I got off they did too and then they pretended to hang about, so right when the doors shut I leaped back on. When the train slowed again I pretended to sit as if I were not getting off at the next stop but as I rose the man who ignored me the whole time, waved his hand slowly with a condescending creep grin and said: "have a nice day"I was in sheer terror. I ran from the station and as I did a ticket office man was dialing a normal corded phone as I passed I could see his head was moving in my direction he was telling people about me! I returned to the station an hour later, because I was out in the middle of nowhere. two different train agents asked me why I got off then on then off, I replied as claim as I could, "my ticket wasn't valid and I didn't want to chance it" days later I walked about 8 hours in Dublin numb, at times praying for a quick death other times just shaking my head... I had a man attempt to follow me and ran again, he would cross the street so I would after a few times and me picking up speed.
Louie - 3-Sep-17 @ 11:33 PM
I am 50 ish born in Germany raised in the US friendless my whole life after smoking pot and acquiring HS friends I realized all I ever wanted to do is be accepted. Begin lazy due to allergies and cognitive cloudiness I could read a sentence ten times and it would not make sense. My friends, however, were all rich and always the smartest in HS even today I attract brains, I am always alone, but when I find a friend it short lived by choice and by whatever. I've proved my motor skills superior to many getting into two unions, I love to laugh and love talent and learning everything, however, I am not great with languages. I made a false report once to NASA in the early 90's thinking I'd be visited if I did so. In 96 while scratching my way through college using subliminal tapes, mind gear flashing light glasses to increase my thought, I was hit with a powerful energy wave while on a date, I demanded to return home where I lay on my bed feeling strong waves of visuals, not tired but a strong desire to close my eyes as this seems to remedy it. This was always preceded by clicking sounds, and only year ago after completing my second law degree when I realized the world may be run my ET's did I buy crystals, detox my pineal gland and do strong meditation asking all good ET's from all dimensions to come was I seeing unusual activities, birds following me, a yellow baby bird cling to my window, and a rabbit come directly up to me, I was raising bearded dragons, fish, got a dog and felt a strong connection. But I was stupid and did something illegal and although I was not fined it seemed everyone in the World was out to get me. I was being falsely accused of things and I began to pray to the sky with my mouth open as if this were a movie called the fifth element and I was calling everything from all sources for help. My X best friends dad worked for NASA did many patients, I even came up with one, all I ever wanted then was money to be rich so I could stop begging money from my mom and being kicked around at every job I have ever worked at. It seemed logical to go to college but the more I learned the more money has been elusive. The pain I feel now is depression but most times when the sun is out I am fine. I feel very very different, alone at times, no love, no money. My quest was to discover who was God Jesus, and the correlation between the heavens and people who could see the future, therefore, part metaphysical, part science, part who am I. Last May 2016 I was assaulted by a man, I retaliated, my house was robbed, they stole my Dog, and I was followed. I don't know who but they knew where I would be, and originally I was followed by two couples, oddly enough this was immediately following my assult. They were using a form of remote viewing on me by one man drawing fast sketches the flipping them then asking the women next to him everything about me, from facial qualities, psychological, even what I was thinking, I thought if this is a movie I c
Louie - 3-Sep-17 @ 11:26 PM
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